Art, News

Book with unpublished works by Calu Fontes is launched in São Paulo

Divided into two volumes, the publication presents experimental works by the artist, who celebrates 20 years of her career

By Giovanna Jarandilha

Updated at Feb 20, 2020, 5:20 PM - Submitted at Feb 20, 2020, 5:01 PM

03 min de leitura


(Divulgação / CASACOR)
Calu Fontes revisited his own story to give shape to the new creations that feature in his new book, which will be released on March 25th at Livraria da Vila, Vila Madalena. The records of his adolescence recorded in letters, notebooks and diaries were transformed into illustrations , an experimental process that celebrates 20 years of the career of the artist with a baroque soul who studied architecture and, in the early 2000s, opened her own studio. “It was a process of revisiting, a journey of discovery, and I incorporated everything that was on that journey. The two volumes are a narrative created from my look at the past and a desire to open myself to the new,” he declares.
(Divulgação / CASACOR)
An even more experimental process is seen in book two, in which she bought papers, cut them, used stamps, graph paper, watercolors and Indian ink to return to the essence. The illustrations here give way to collage. The knives used allow the drawings leak onto the other page and surprise the reader. The artist exposes the layers, highlighted by the material condition of the paper. The volumetric contrasts are visible and, in harmony with the vibrant tones, generate a visual rhythm linked to the chromatic vibrations. Calu Fontes book launch Location: Vila Bookstore | Vila Madalena Date: March 25th, from 7pm to 9pm Address: R. Fradique Coutinho, 915 - Vila Madalena. Sao Paulo - SP.[newsletter]