Art, News

Deco Gallery in São Paulo hosts Koguei Art exhibition

Ancient craft techniques are the focus of the exhibition organized by the Combridge Corporation Institution, in Tokyo

By Ana Carolina Harada

Updated at Jan 17, 2018, 5:55 PM - Submitted at Jan 12, 2018, 3:51 PM

03 min de leitura
Inami Choukoku, traditional Japanese wood carving technique and some tools.

Inami Choukoku, traditional Japanese wood carving technique and some tools. (Divulgação/)

The exhibition “Koguei Art in the Brazilian Home” is an initiative of the Combridge Corporation, a Tokyo-based institution that works to revitalize and preserve the intellectual properties of small producers in Japan and other countries. Combridge Corp. CEO Ito Shunsuke will be in Brazil for the opening of the exhibition.

About Koguei Art

Koguei Art is a Japanese artistic form that has as its theme and objective the creation of objects from natural elements. The artists make the pieces by hand, using different techniques, and try to bring life to water, earth, wood, iron and fire, which are basic components of nature. Later, materials such as fabrics, glass, steel were also incorporated.

Exhibition Service - “Koguei Art in the Brazilian House”


From January 19th to February 2nd.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 10am to 6pm. Saturdays and Sundays, from 11am to 6pm. (Open on the 25th, a public holiday, from 11am to 6pm).


Free entry.


Deco Gallery - Tel. (11) 3289 7067