
5 virtual art exhibitions to visit without leaving home

Art lovers can now visit the best exhibitions on display in the virtual environment

By Yeska Coelho

Updated at May 19, 2021, 10:53 AM - Submitted at May 23, 2021, 10:00 AM

08 min de leitura

(Toni Pires/)

osgemeos pinacoteca Art lovers have been in abstinence since museums and cultural centers closed due to Covid-19. The good news is that some of the country's most famous museums and cultural centers have modernized and launched a series of virtual tours for those who are closed hand to see your favorite exhibitions now from the comfort and safety of your home. And don't worry: even museums that have already reopened continue to offer virtual exhibitions for those who prefer not to risk visiting. Below, check out five art institutes that are offering virtual exhibitions of their collections to the public.

MIS - Museum of Image and Sound

Leonardo da Vinci Virtual Exhibition - 500 years of a Genius
(Divulgação/MIS / CASACOR)
One of the most anticipated exhibitions at MIS this year, Leonardo Da Vinci - 500 Years of a Genius is available online for free access. The virtual exhibition was conceived by Grande Exhibitions and is considered the most complete research exhibition of Da Vinci's work . Those who wish to explore the artist's works will come across 18 themes that tell the story of the Renaissance master. To take the 360 virtual tour right now, just click here . It is worth noting that the digital exhibition will only be available until July 18th.

Picture Gallery

São Paulo State Art Gallery
(Nelson Kon / CASACOR)
The exhibition, which occupied the entire second floor of the building located in Luz, was composed of more than 500 works such as paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs and engravings. Among the most prominent names we can mention Almeida Junior, Pedro Alexandrino, Candido Portinari , Lasar Segall, among others. To check out the exhibition, click here .


exposicao os gemeos pinacoteca We have already talked more about OSGEMEOS: Secrets here , but the exhibition that is moving different audiences at the Pinacoteca has now gained digital support. With the reduced number of visitors received by the museum daily, the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo has released the exhibition virtual 360º , which displays more than 1,000 items from brothers Otávio and Gustavo Pandolfo . For more information about the virtual tour (or even if you want to check out the exhibition), click here !

Museum of Modern Art (MAM)

mam virtual art exhibition photography museum of modern art of sao paulo
(Karina Bacci / CASACOR)
The São Paulo Museum of Modern Art , MAM, presents a virtual collection of the main exhibitions exhibited by the museum in recent years . The 360º visit features exhibitions of photography, painting and visual arts. The 15 virtual tours available can be accessed for free here .

Inhotim Institute

inhotim reabertura museu minas gerais brumadinho arte contemporânea galeria quarentena One of Brazil's main tourist and cultural destinations, with 140 hectares of visitor area, the Inhotim Institute resumed its activities this month in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais. Anyone who wants to visit the gardens and galleries of the open-air museum without having to travel can now do so. do so through virtual tours and free guided online tours . On the Google Arts & Culture platform, you can stroll through the parks and exhibitions on display at Inhotim with photos, descriptions and an audio guide . In addition, the Institute is offering guided tours as part of the Inhotim Para Todxs project, mediated by the Google platform. Meet. Registration is done through the website .