Art, News

Artist recreates historic buildings in hyperrealistic sketches

Internet success, Pietro Cataudella uses his creativity to record his travels

By Giovanna Jarandilha

Updated at Feb 17, 2020, 4:36 PM - Submitted at May 22, 2019, 6:12 PM

03 min de leitura

(City Live Sketch/)

How do you record your travels? Photography is the most immediate answer, facilitated by advances in technology and communication. Pietro Cataudella is an outlier when it comes to recording the places he visits: in a notebook, the artist creatively and meticulously recreates the landscapes that catch his eye.
(City Live Sketch / CASACOR)
A hit on Instagram, the Italian started the City Live Sketch project in 2014 by photographing hyperrealistic drawings in front of the inspiring tourist spot. His photos include the most famous historical buildings in his country, such as Milan Cathedral, the Colosseum and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
(City Live Sketch / )
(City Live Sketch / )
(City Live Sketch / CASACOR)
(City Live Sketch / )
In addition, fun drawings that reference cultural objects, mostly blockbuster films, and unexpected additions, such as a baguette or kebab top for Pisa, also appear among his works.
(City Live Sketch / )