Works by Brazilian and foreign artists were brought together under the theme of “time” at the USP Museum of Contemporary Art
Updated at Jan 10, 2018, 6:11 PM - Submitted at Jan 9, 2018, 5:39 PM
Work by On Kawara(Reprodução/)
“N'allez pas trop vite” (Don't go so fast) said the Frenchman Marcel Proust in his canonical work, “In Search of Lost Time”. Ephemerality and passage are practically inevitable themes in Art. Therefore, the Museum of Arte Contemporânea (MAC) organized the collective exhibition Matriz do Tempo Real , which will be inaugurated on January 13th. The exhibition aims to record and make the visitor reflect on the passage of days, life and time, in different formats , such as photos, texts and videos.
Curated by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, the exhibition will bring together works by Brazilian and foreign artists produced since the late 1960s. Pieces from the Museum's permanent collection will also be part of the collection, but will encourage new interpretations based on the different context.
Highlights include the musical performance without notes, 4'33", by John Cage, and some of the daily paintings that Japanese artist On Kawara made between 1966 and 2014, when he passed away.