Architecture, News

Underground construction found during restoration of CASA COR BO headquarters

The construction found at Colégio Santa Ana is very similar to that of Tarija and Sucre, cities where there are tunnel networks

By Alex Alcantara

Updated at Jul 26, 2018, 11:17 AM - Submitted at Mar 1, 2016, 6:46 PM

03 min de leitura


00-construcao-sub-casacorbo2016 CASA COR Bolivia 2016 will once again take place at Colégio Santa Ana, but in a new area: its central part and the chapel. Since last year, restoration work has been underway to reclaim this space. An underground structure has been found that may be part of a tunnel or a secret hiding place used by people who lived in the building in the mid-1800s.
The discovery was made due to leaks in the laundry and bathroom area, with a depth of just over three meters. 01-construcao-sub-casacorbo2016 The head of the Municipal Heritage Center, Yery Dino Mendez, said that after the first inspection, the plan now is to organize a schedule for an immediate start of excavations to obtain more details about the history of the city that lies in these buildings. "These are the mysteries that lie beneath the city. We don't know what else we can find," Mendez said. Based on some of the pieces found, Drakic said that some aspects can be extracted that present the life of the people who inhabited the place. For example, the ink bottle bottle suggests that the people who lived there had a high level of education. The opening of CASA COR Bolivia will not be affected, and will continue on April 6, as the underground construction discovered will be closed.