On the October 8th
show , we presented the spaces of the
Master Apartment of
CASA COR Espírito Santo 2015. Among them, Keyla Guidoni's
Dining Room , the
Baby Suite of Fernanda Lara, Magna Lara and Roberta Castanheiram, the
Fitness Daughter Suite of Elza Pinto, José Geraldo Pinto Sobrinho and Livia Pinto and the
Youth Suite of Andrea de Pinho and Fábio Pinho. In addition, we also had Alessandra Guidoni's
Hospital Room , the
Craft Warehouse of Augusto Pacheco and Fabiano Zacché and an interview with the artist Ivan Coelho talking about his work in the show. Check it out! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxZGoW1w_EU]