An intimate, cozy, receptive and artistic proposal is the guiding line of this space, which measures a little more than 34 m² coupled with a toilet, designed by Letícia Finamore for CASACOR ES . Here, natural stone contrasts with the wood of the house's original flooring, in friezes, and the environment invites reflection and memories. Throughout the exhibition, the dynamics of the space have been the same as those of the art world, with periodic renewals of the works presented. Where: Rua Erothildes Penna Medina, nº 80, Praia da Costa, Vila Velha/ES
When: from October 6th to November 28th
Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 2pm to 9pm. Sundays and holidays from 12pm to 7pm
Digital box office: Ticket prices: R$75 – Whole R$ 37.50 – Half price Visitors entitled to a ½ entry discount must present a photo ID at the box office. Discounts are not cumulative. Children up to 10 years old are free. Children over 10 years old pay half price. [April-see-also]W3siaWQiOjExODIyOSwidGl0bGUiOiJEZXNpZ24gYmlvZiYjeEVEO2xpY28gZSBtYXRlcmlhaXMgc3VzdGVudCYjeEUxO3ZlaXMgcHJlZW5jaGVtIG8gRXNwYSYjeEU3O28gQ29tIFZpdi YjeEVBO25jaWEifSx7ImlkIjoxMTgyNDMsInRpdGxlIjoiQ29tZWRvcmlhIGNlbGVicmEgZGVzaWdu hIn0seyJpZCI6MTE4MjQzLCJ0aXRsZSI6IkNvbWVkb3JpYSBjZWxlYnJhIGRlc2lnbiBlIGFyd 9XQ= =[/abril-see-also]