Marinha Linhares was the professional chosen to design this incredible space
By Redação
Updated at Feb 1, 2019, 3:55 PM - Submitted at Jul 21, 2016, 7:27 PM
01 min de leitura
[youtube] Marina Linhares was chosen to design the largest space at CASA COR São Paulo 2016, the Deca Space . The straight lines and large spans are inspired by Bauhaus, in this project that also pays homage to the school in the use of steel, wood and glass that allows for plenty of natural light. The contemporary furniture by Claudia Moreira Salles - which includes the Deslize coffee table - meets the modernist pieces by Flávio de Carvalho in the ambiance. Another highlight is the launch of the mixer designed by Jader Almeida for Deca. Check out these and more details in the interview conducted by TV CASA COR with the professional!