Creative Director's Office aims to be home to a dynamic and, at the same time, inspiring office.
Luoda Arquitetura 's project for
CASACOR Minas Gerais 2021 has two strong points: the unique table, all made of porcelain tiles reminiscent of gray stone,
very similar to the new coworking spaces ; and the sensory wall, which gives an unusual touch to the decor in an area of 3.3 mx 2.6 m.
Visit the 3D Environment Tour here. [April-see-also]W3siaWQiOjExOTI5NCwidGl0bGUiOiJDcmlzdGluYSBNZW5lemVzIGZheiB1bWEgcmVsZWl0dXJhIGRhIFJvbWEgQW50aWdhIGVtIHN1YSBDYXNhIEFjcXVhIn0seyJpZCI6MTE5MTE4LC J 0aXRsZSI6IldDIFVuaXNzZXggQnJhc2lsaWRhZGUgdmFsb3JpemEgYXMgcmEmI3hFRDt6ZXMgY nJhc2lsZWlyYXMgbmEgQ0FTQUNPUiBTUCAyMDIxIn0seyJpZCI6MTE4NzE3LCJ0aXRsZSI6Ik5hd GFs IGUgUiYjeEU5O3ZlaWxsb24gJiN4RTA7IHZpc3RhISA1IGRpY2FzIGRlIGNvbW8gcHJlcGFyYXIgdW0gZXZlbnRvIG5hIHBhbmRlbWlhIn1d[/abril-see-also]