Decoration, Environments

Dona Deôla: The Boulangerie from CASA COR SP 2016

Check out Idália Daudt's creative process for creating the environment

By Redação

Updated at May 30, 2017, 3:51 PM - Submitted at Jun 16, 2016, 6:47 PM

01 min de leitura


[youtube] Idália Daudt is the professional behind the Boulangerie at CASA COR São Paulo 2016 , the space that houses Dona Deôla , the café that is the meeting point for this year's show. In this project, with the exception of the covering, all materials were reused to create a rustic environment with French references. To contrast with the burnt cement walls, pieces in yellow, orange and red were chosen. CASA COR TV shows all the details. Like and share!