The search for plurality guided the purpose of
Bar da Luz , a project that mixes styles and marks the third participation of
Cristóvão Bisneto, from BC Studio de Arquitetura, in
CASACOR Tocantins .
The environment has a unique aesthetic. Cristóvão sought
to escape aesthetic standards and at the same time value
regional nativism , with pieces from his own collection to highlight the purpose.
The mix of styles in the furniture and the colors, always seasoning the spaces, appear in the production of the space as a strong
reference to fashion and show parades .
Service - CASACOR Tocantins 2023
Where: Capim Dourado Shopping - Q. 107 North Avenida NS 5, s/n - North Master Plan, Palmas
When: September 15 to October 29, 2023
Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 4pm to 10pm. Sundays and holidays, 3pm to 9pm.
Digital box office: Total ticket prices: R$65 (full price) and R$32 (half price) The event has a mixed format, where one part is open to the general public, while another part is restricted. On Tuesdays there are charity events, with everyone getting in with a 50% discount.