Decoration, Environments

Renault Living Garage, a new concept at CASACOR SP 2016

CASA COR TV shows all the details of the environment designed by Maurício Arruda, Fabio Mota and Lais Delbianco

By Redação

Updated at Feb 1, 2019, 6:16 PM - Submitted at Jun 16, 2016, 7:03 PM

01 min de leitura


[youtube] The Renault Living Garage was designed by Maurício Arruda, Fabio Mota and Lais Delbianco at CASA COR São Paulo 2016. The pendant was built from the car's logo, which also commands the creation of the plant pot holders made from seat belts. The reclaimed wood flooring brings the concept of sustainability, as well as the furniture that reuses other materials. TV CASA COR shows all the details. Like and share!