Decoration, Environments

13 clever uses of cobogós at CASA COR 2015

Cobogós were a trend in 2015 at CASA COR from north to south and east to west and were used in a variety of ways. Check out the gallery below!

By Alex Alcantara

Updated at Jul 26, 2018, 10:52 AM - Submitted at Jan 14, 2016, 5:42 PM

01 min de leitura


[galeria-abril id='25904' type='slider'] Cobogós are very Brazilian items, used in many regions of the country in most homes. With three main functions: to close off spaces while maintaining ventilation and light; to create dividers; and to beautify the decoration of the house or apartment, the hollow elements appeared in several spaces at CASA COR and matched the theme of the exhibition: Brazilianness. Check out the solutions adopted by architects and designers!