Tocantins - 2023
15/09 - 29/10/2023
Dates may changePlano Diretor Norte
Quadra 107 Norte Avenida NSPalmas - Tocantins, 77001098
About the show
For the first time in its original format, CASACOR Tocantins celebrates its 3rd edition and will surprise visitors with a completely new configuration.
With an area of 2,600 square meters and 25 environments designed by the most renowned architects, interior designers and landscapers in the market, the exhibition will be held at Capim Dourado Shopping, in Palmas, and will be open to the public from September 15 to October 29, 2023 .
The theme “ Body & Home ” presents an inspiring approach to the era of care, focusing on diversity and issues relevant to today’s world.
CASACOR Tocantins will offer a broad and diverse program, including actions in the areas of art, culture, gastronomy, fashion, entertainment and content.
Block 107 North Avenue NS 5, Zip Code 77001-098, Palmas - TO