São Paulo - 2024
21/05 - 28/07/2024
Dates may changeBela Vista
Avenida PaulistaSão Paulo - São Paulo, 1311000
(11) 5194-9145bilheteriacasacor@abril.com.br
About the show
CASACOR São Paulo takes place until July 28, 2024 at Conjunto Nacional, on Avenida Paulista.
The exhibition presents 68 environments, including architectural and cultural projects, such as installations by artists Denilson Baniwa, Ale Salles and Henrique Oliveira.
In addition to the Martins&Monteiro contemporary art gallery and the Eco Armoriais collective exhibition, the new edition offers gastronomic services, such as Bar Caracol, Badebec, Ristorantino, Bardega and Isabela Akkari's café.