Paraíba - 2023
26/05 - 09/07/2023
Dates may changeMIramar
Av. Senador Ruy CarneiroJoão Pessoa - Paraiba, 58032100
(11) 5194-9145casacor@casacorparaiba.com.br
About the show
After a hiatus, CASACOR Paraíba is back and already has a confirmed start date: May 26th to July 9th, 2023!
The exhibition will be held in a house at Avenida Ruy Carneiro, 700, which will house another large project in the future.
In its third edition, CASACOR Paraíba, in 2023, will feature a Masterplan by David Bastos and will aim to present unique experiences of technology, comfort, sophistication and design.
Don't miss it!
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