Mato Grosso - 2023
24/10 - 21/12/2023
Dates may changeBosque da Saúde
Rua das OrquídeasCuiabá - Mato Grosso, 78050010
About the show
CASACOR Mato Grosso 2023 will be held between October 24th and December 10th , at the Cuyaba Golden hotel, at one of the best-known addresses in the city, on the corner of Avenidas Miguel Sutil and Historiador Rubens de Mendonça.
There will be more than 3 thousand square meters, divided into 33 environments.
This year's exhibition brings together around 45 professionals from the fields of architecture and interior design, as well as 80 suppliers and several artists. These numbers make this the largest exhibition ever held in the state.
This year's theme is Body & Home.
Held for over 20 years, the event is responsible for bringing together leading professionals and launching major trends in the construction, architecture and design markets, placing it at the forefront of the sector in the Americas.
Our Address : Orchid Street, 98 Health Forest - CUIABÁ/MT- ZIP Code: 78050-010
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