A Grande Beleza Inspiração | SC - 2023
29/10 - 29/10/2023
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(11) 5194-9145About the show
CASACOR Santa Catarina | Florianópolis 2023 presents
Book launch: GREAT BEAUTY – INSPIRATION, author: Pedro Ariel Santana
CASACOR Santa Catarina | Florianópolis invites you to the book signing session: “ The Great Beauty: Inspiration, by author Pedro Ariel Santana. ”
The launch of the sixth edition of the book: A Grande Beleza, brings together images from various editions of CASACOR throughout Brazil under the keen eye of the author, who captures each photo during his travels through the editions of the most complete architecture, interior design and landscaping exhibition in the Americas.
The exclusive meeting will be held on October 29th, at 8:30 pm.
Address: João Paulo Highway, 2285 - Neighborhood: João Paulo Zip Code: 88030-300 - SC | Florianópolis