Reading room
CASACOR Espírito SantoThe mother's womb, a place of shelter, protection and nourishment, was the first inspiration for professionals Cristiane Locatelli and Isabela Castello when designing the Reading Room. A space that expands as we grow, the mother's womb is our first Private Infinite. Our 'Mother Earth', this other, gigantic home, also provides us with sustenance and life. Books represent another way of providing us with a private infinite. Just like the womb and the planet, they nourish us intellectually, with knowledge, pleasures and experiences, and they open doors to many other worlds. These are the feelings that the professionals sought to convey in the environment: well-being, security, tranquility, fluidity, lightness, comfort. The color palette refers to the earth, with emphasis on women writers, hence the tribute to Judith Leão Castello Ribeiro, professor, writer and first president of the Female Academy of Letters of Espírito Santo.