CASACOR SergipeThe restoration and painting project for the façade of Castelinho, a 20th-century building chosen to host the 2nd edition of CASACOR Sergipe, was carried out by the trio of architects Ana Libório, Frederico Libório and Gândara Júnior, from LibórioGândara Ateliê de Arquitetura. Inspired by the painting of the old eclectic mansions in Aracaju, built in the 1920s, reddish tones were used to restore the façade, contrasting with the gray that gives it a contemporary feel. To preserve the building's age, the parapet and balusters were left as they were, and were replaced with exposed concrete without repainting. Some of the old decorative elements remained as they were, highlighting the polychrome effect left by successive layers of paint over the years. The concept of contemporary dressing highlights and allows the patina of time to shine through.