CASACOR 35 Exhibition
CASACOR São PauloArchitects Carmela Rocha and Paula Thyse, together with Livia Pedreira, president of the CASACOR Board of Trustees, signed the CASACOR 35 years exhibition. The exhibition occupies part of the ground floor of Conjunto Nacional, close to the elevator area, and spreads across the ramps in connection with the building. The content is developed in several formats: photos, videos, sound and digital interactivity. “Creating the CASACOR 35 years exhibition was a frenzy. An intense work, a collective construction on many fronts of dialogue to present the theme not only to the exhibition's audience, but also to those who pass through the Conjunto Nacional. The building, in fact, is a great inspiration and was our starting point for thinking about the expography and how to present the insertion of content” reveals Paula Thyse.
Ateliê canto emerged at the end of 2021 with the reunion of two architects, Paula Thyse and Carmela Rocha, out of their desire to share processes and create architectural, scenography and expography projects meeting the diversity of demands, themes and, mainly, the specificities that each project has. We seek to experiment, understanding that each project is a possibility to create something new and that deserves to be manufactured, one by one, like a studio to weave spaces that touch, dialogue and sensitize the subject.
Carmela Rocha has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from FAU UFRGS (2006), a postgraduate degree in Cinema from Unisinos (2008), a master's degree in architectural design from FAU USP (2018) where she researched exhibition pavilions at Expo 2015 and is currently pursuing a doctorate in History and Fundamentals of Architecture and Urbanism at FAUUSP, where he researches expography of large exhibitions.
She worked as a set designer and art director for cinema, theater and, in recent years, more focused on exhibition, having also developed projects in her previous offices that range from the scale of the building, through interiors to the scale of the object.
Paula Thyse has a degree in Architecture and Urbanism from Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo (2009) and a master's degree in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidade Federal Fluminense RJ (2018), with an emphasis on large museums and their transformation of urban landscapes.
He has worked in diverse spheres of architecture, from the ephemeral to the permanent. Exploring this exchange between the disciplines that architecture allows, in scenography, expography, interior design and buildings.